The Missing Link In ‘The Customer Is the Boss’

Photo credits : Lalita Raman
Have you ever thought like a customer when you are talking to a potential client?
Do you really care to understand what the customer wants ?
I was in Mumbai last week visiting my family for 4 days. My dad and mom are not keeping too well and I thought I must take some time out to be with them.
While I was there, I decided to complete some formalities that was pending with a bank account that I had opened. The relationship manager stated that he wanted copies of my passport, other identification documents and photographs. I was taken aback because I had submitted all of this in as many copies as was required by this bank, four months back. The relationship manager started giving me several reasons why he wanted those again, none of which sounded convincing to me. One of the reasons he gave me was that this was a compliance requirement. This is one of the top favorite reasons given by many a customer contact of most banks. The relationship manager did not take time to understand my requirements, figure out how much time I had and how to reduce the inefficiency for me.
Many customer contacts ever so often don’t represent their company well because they engage in the blame game. They stop caring about the relationship evident from their actions that it is all about a sale, a transaction or an account to be opened.
Not for a moment people like this relationship manager, that I met at this bank, stop to reflect and ask,
-> Would I as a customer like to receive the same treatment?
-> How can I make it seamless and efficient for a client who deals with my organization?
-> How can I as a contact point for the client stop the client from getting hassled through the procedural hoops within my organization ?
-> What can I do or not do to make this relationship valuable for each client?
THE CUSTOMER IS THE REAL BOSS. All Associates work for the customers who buy our merchandise. In fact, the customer can fire everybody in our Company. And they can do it by simply spending their money somewhere else. The greatest measure of our success is how well we please the customer; Our Boss.
“Let’s all support Aggressive Hospitality and have our customers leave 100% satisfied every day.”…Sam Walton, The Founder of Wal-Mart
Do you as CEO, sales contact, sales head, Chairman or Business owner, leader ask What are the central issues, changes or challenges that your client is currently dealing with ?
How can I help resolve some of those issues with respect to the services that are provided by my organization?
Do you start with the client in mind or a sale approach in mind ?
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